The Corrupt by Dr. Streamlet Dkhar


The echoes of time
Do not resonate anymore
The ghosts of the yesteryear
Do not frighten anymore
The Rynñiaw* of Lyngngem*
Does not sing anymore;
That the name of corrupt
Has taken place
To be a king on a throne
To reign forcefully in life
These echoes will be heard
Only of the devilish voice.

(* Rynñiaw is a kind of black bird with a long tail. Its tail is always used by the
Khasi male dancers to make a “Thuïa” which they put on the back side of hishead after wearing his turban. *Lyngngem is a kind of imperial pigeon; as per
the Khasi folktale, she was the beloved of Rynñiaw but had to separate because
her mother did not accept their relation as she belonged to a poor family and
Rynñiaw to a wealthy family, so they departed and both the birds sing and
lament for each other).

Painting Courtesy: Arvind Kolapkar

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Ode to a Poetess came into being during the lockdown. It's during the brimming rains of August when I felt the necessity that we, women need our very own platform where we can share our thoughts in literature, as is,unaltered. This is a only women portal that welcomes all format of literature, art and celebrates it's creator, the woman who's unique, who is art herself! _Monroe Gogoi Phukan Founder of Ode to a Poetess.


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