Smell of Jehlum by Zakir Malik


Thine rivers chirping from dawn till dusk
are my nights of ecstasy
from which freshness does flow
with drops of peace pouring into Dal.

I hide my puzzles under your green coats,
and those glistening Lillies of the Wular,
in my dreams, I sleep over melody of gush
and sink into the abyss of myriad waves

O’ Kashmir you drench; glow like diamond
while my thirst quenches with balls of snow
that thatch of lush greenery
is where I belong, where I come from
rest my breaths are the guests of time.

Endless is dusk where I slide towards
slowly, slowly into the waters of Mansar,
I walk then towards Silk route to relish
and squeeze taste of nature at its best.

I live in the drops of Pangong lake
O’ my land I smell your beauty
hear your voice in rush of Jehlum
see your hues in fruits and leaves.

Painting Courtesy: Syed Amir Shah MD


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Ode to a Poetess came into being during the lockdown. It's during the brimming rains of August when I felt the necessity that we, women need our very own platform where we can share our thoughts in literature, as is,unaltered. This is a only women portal that welcomes all format of literature, art and celebrates it's creator, the woman who's unique, who is art herself! _Monroe Gogoi Phukan Founder of Ode to a Poetess.


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