The Eternal Mind! by Twinkle Kapdi

You are my smiling breath
The one that stands at doorstep on return
Waiting to give a hugging surprise
You are view so beautiful that I see
On climbing mountain so high
That I stop for some air
You are that ounce of oxygen entering my being
Bringing along freshness with every step
Just your memory cleanses my malice
I breathe that smiling breath that you are
Breath and love becomes one
As entangled souls
Names melt and so does identity
What remains is just an imagination far fetched
May be, someone would travel that far!!
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Ode to a Poetess came into being during the lockdown. It's during the brimming rains of August when I felt the necessity that we, women need our very own platform where we can share our thoughts in literature, as is,unaltered. This is a only women portal that welcomes all format of literature, art and celebrates it's creator, the woman who's unique, who is art herself! _Monroe Gogoi Phukan Founder of Ode to a Poetess.


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